NPB Tracker Quoted in Mainstream Media

» 25 November 2008 » In NPB Tracker »

From the self-congratulatory dept: I’m a little surprised at how many mainstream media sites have linked to my content on Junichi Tazawa. Here are the ones that have come to my attention:

  1. NBC Sports
  2. Washington Post
  3. AOL Fanhouse
  4. Dallas News
  5. Boston Score
  6. Boston Herald
  7. NESN
Some of these are blogs from within those sites, but it’s still pretty cool to see my site (and in some cases my name) mentioned in these sources.


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  1. Patrick
    25/11/2008 at 1:48 pm Permalink

    huge props … its a great blog

  2. Patrick
    26/11/2008 at 10:24 am Permalink

    Both NPBTracker and Eastwindup really lead this niche market. You do some excellent work and any national media mentions you get are well deserved. I remember the day when was the only option for NPB news.

  3. Patrick
    Jeff B
    26/11/2008 at 11:19 am Permalink

    Yes sir… doing a fine job.

  4. Patrick
    27/11/2008 at 12:54 am Permalink

    Thanks for the kind words. The guy I really have to thank for all of this is Tim Dierkes — without him consistently linking to me on this certainly wouldn’t have happened so quickly, and maybe not at all.