Yu Darvish’s Pitching Bible

» 25 July 2009 » In mlb prospects, npb, pitching, sports business »

Yu Darvish’s Pitching Bible has been on sale in Japan since last week.

The 84-paged full-color book features a special interview, demonstration of his breaking ball and off-speed pitches, and interviews by his former pitching coach, trainer, and catchers. His history will be revealed in depth and the results of the survey conducted to 50 current NPB players regarding his number one pitch will be presented.

The content of the book can be seen here. As mentioned before Yu Darvish will appear on CNN and he is taking the next step in marketing himself; having become one of the best pitchers in recent years. I am not sure how many of his “secrets” will be revelead in this book, but this shows some confidience in letting the nation know that he is not scared to present what he is made of to the whole country or maybe in his case, to the world.


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  1. Ryo
    25/07/2009 at 2:51 pm Permalink

    Will this be released in English any time soon?

  2. Ryo
    25/07/2009 at 9:10 pm Permalink

    I highly doubt it, but you’ll occasionally see this type of content on NPB Tracker.