Yoshioka, Too

» 20 February 2009 » In mlb prospects »

Add Yuji Yoshioka to the list of former NPB’ers aiming to catch on in the US. Sanspo is reporting that Yoshioka has hired Ray Pointevint as his agent and departed for LA to work out. Yoshioka, 37, was released by Rakuten after last season, and was passed over by all the NPB teams after his November tryout. He was a key guy in Kintetsu’s fun 2001 team, but hasn’t done much since the early part of the decade.

Yoshioka is also open to a move to Korea or Taiwan.


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  1. Patrick
    23/02/2009 at 4:45 am Permalink

    Dude, so that’s where he went. I was looking through the seibango issue of Shukan Baseball, like “whoa! Rakuten #3 is open, where did Yoshioka go?” but really had no idea — figured he retired since he was so old. I saw him at ni-gun a few times last year, and he didn’t look that great then either, really.

  2. Patrick
    07/04/2009 at 4:02 am Permalink

    I hear that Yuji had between 5-15 scouts watching him this weekend during a simulated game, facing live hitters…I wonder how he did and if he’ll get picked up or opt for an Independent team in the Golden league…