Archive > 22 March 2009

Tazawa Optioned to AA Portland

» 22 March 2009 » In mlb prospects » 2 Comments

47News tipped me off to the info that the Red Sox have optioned Junichi Tazawa to the minors. A glance at the Red Sox transactions page confirms that he will start his American career at AA Portland, as expected. Tazawa generally impressed in the Red Sox camp. He’ll have a lot of adjustments to make over the course of his first professional season, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see him in Boston at some point this year.

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WBC Japan vs USA Live Chat

» 22 March 2009 » In international baseball » 3 Comments

The WBC live chats have been good fun so we’ll do another for the USA vs Japan. All are welcome for an evening of talkin’ baseball.

Game time is Sunday, March 22, 5:00pm PDT (time in your area), and the anticipated starters are Daisuke Matsuzaka and Roy Oswalt. 

The winner moves on the Championship game, the loser will go back to spring training.

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