Johjima at it Again

» 28 November 2009 » In nichibei, npb »

Holiday and business activity kept me away from blogging this week, but after a relaxing Black Friday spent mostly away from the computer and the shops, I’m ready to get going again.

Kenji Johjima is reportedly making more scouting recommendations to his new employer. This time, though, the Hanshin Tigers have their sights set a little more realistically. Randy Messenger was the main guy mentioned in Sanspo’s latest report. Messenger nearly joined the Carp in mid-season 2009 but Hiroshima and Seattle couldn’t come to an agreement on a transfer fee.

Eric Hull and Jason Bulger were the other two guys mentioned on Hanshin’s list; Hull makes sense, while they’re probably a year too late on Bulger.

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  1. Patrick
    28/11/2009 at 11:28 pm Permalink

    Randy Messanger who I am fan of would be good for Japan pro baseball but would like to see him get better shot on MLB team when used the right way, thought and Eric Hull would make for better player for Japan along with Chris Shelton and some of the minor league free agent 09 as alot of them have no shot on Major league roster.