Archive > 01 December 2009

Moves & Notes, December 1, 2009

» 01 December 2009 » In nichibei, npb » Comments Off on Moves & Notes, December 1, 2009

A couple of player personnel notes to pass along…

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The Circuitous Life of a Rumor

» 01 December 2009 » In mlb » 3 Comments

Consider the following:

So this rumor, which is entirely reasonable, has come full circle: it originated in Japan, made its way via the blogosphere into the US media, and wound up getting repeated in a different Japanese publication. This isn’t meant to be self-congratulatory, but I think it demonstrates the position of social media.

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Baldiris Reunites with Okada

» 01 December 2009 » In nichibei, npb » Comments Off on Baldiris Reunites with Okada

Former Hanshin Tiger Aarom Baldiris will be reuniting with his former manager, Akinobu Okada, as a member of the Orix Buffaloes. In a Sponichi interview, Baldiris said, “I received couple offers from NPB clubs, but I wanted to play for the manager whom I started with in Japan. I hope to do my best to contribute for a championship.”

In two seasons with the Hanshin Tigers, Baldiris hit .205 with a total 4HR and 17RBI in 100 ichi-gun games. He had success at the ni-gun level, hitting .358 to lead the league in his second season.

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