Tag Archive > Jason Bay

More on Matsui

» 12 November 2009 » In mlb » 6 Comments

It looks like the reports of Boston’s interest in Hideki Matsui drew quite a bit of attention the other day, possibly getting blown just a wee bit out of proportion. All the reports in the Japanese media, which idolizes Matsui, are saying that Godzilla is shaping up to a plan b to Jason Bay.

When asked by the Japanese press, Theo Epstein played down the idea of signing Matsui. Quoted in Sponichi: “Our DH next season is [David] Ortiz. His last four months of this season were good, and I think next year will be a good season for him”; and Daily Sports, commenting more specifically on Matsui: “we aren’t thinking about it that deeply. Right now we have our hands full with our own free agents.” Incidentally, Epstein has been quoted as saying he wants to keep Takashi Saito around.

In other news, Sponichi has a report that the Rays would consider Matsui if they can move Pat Burell, reports persist that the Angels could turn to Matsui if negotiations with Vlad Guererro stall, and the Mets are looking into whether Matsui can play in the field on a regular basis.

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Matsui Interest From Angels, Red Sox

» 11 November 2009 » In mlb » 7 Comments

The Hideki Matsui hot stove is warming up. Let’s see what the Japanese media has for us out of the GM meetings…

  • Boston is reportedly considering Matsui as an alternative to Jason Bay. According to an insider quoted in Nikkan Sports, the BoSox are preparing a multi-year offer for Matsui to be the team’s regular left fielder.
  • The same Nikkan Sports article quotes a “no comment” from Jack Z on Matsui, and mentions the White Sox as another option.
  • Daily Sports has some comments from Tony Reagins on Matsui: “At this point we’ve been watching him for a long time. When I ask ‘can he play the outfield and keep runners from advancing?’ the response I get is ‘of course’. He can’t go every day, but he can play defense.” Still, Matsui profiles as a plan b for the Angels as well. “We aren’t thinking of Matsui and (Vladimir) Guererro play together.”
  • The Hanshin Tigers are no longer interested in Matsui, citing his desire to remain in MLB.

Given that Matsui is “best of the rest” type candidate, it may take some of the other free agent DHs and left fielders signing before he finds a home. My non-Yankee picks for him remain the Orioles, White Sox and Mariners.

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