Archive > 15 January 2009

Mitsui Again Fails to Draw a Bid

» 15 January 2009 » In mlb prospects, npb » 4 Comments

Update, Jan 16: Mitsui will remain with Seibu for 2009 and take another crack at a move to MLB next offseason.

Seibu’s second attempt to post Koji Mitsui this offseason has ended just like the first one did. This is the first time we’ve seen the same player posted twice in the same offseason; not sure why they expected it to go differently the second time. Akinori Otsuka was acquired by the Padres on his second posting attempt, but that was a full season after his first unsuccessful attempt. Otsuka is also one of the best relievers in NPB history, while Mitsui has been marginal.

Seibu team management is going to talk with Mitsui in the next couple of days and decide what direction to take in with him. I guess the two options would be for Seibu to release him outright and let him pursue an MLB contract, or let him rebuild value this season and try again next year.

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Player Acquisitions: Aikawa, Fernandez

» 15 January 2009 » In npb » 2 Comments

  • Orix signed Jose Fernandez to a one-year, 100m yen ($1.1m) deal with performance bonuses. This gives the Buffaloes four import batters — Fernandez, LaRocca, Alex Cabrera and Tuffy Rhodes — and since Rhodes no longer counts against the foreign player limit they can use them all in the lineup at the same time. Assuming, of course, they’re all healthy and three of them can play in the field. Fernandez is joining his fourth NPB team, which may be a record for foreign playeres. I can’t think of anyone off the top of my head that’s been with more than three.
  • Catcher Ryoji Aikawa has given up on getting an MLB contract and will begin negotiating with Yakult. Yakult looks like Aikawa’s only option at this point, which is good as they’ve wanted him all along.

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