Archive > 08 August 2009

NPB Tracker Sells Out, Opens Twitter Page

» 08 August 2009 » In NPB Tracker » 2 Comments

NPB Tracker has succombed to the lure of microblogging and opened a Twitter page. We’ll cram as much info as we can in to the 140 characters that Twitter gives you. Expect to see game and player updates.

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Tazawa Promoted

» 08 August 2009 » In mlb prospects » 6 Comments

As Ryo posted on Twitter yesterday, the Red Sox have called Junichi Tazawa up to the MLB team. He promptly took the loss in Boston’s 15-inning defeat to the Yankees, giving up a walk-off homer to Alex Rodriguez.

Boston used three Japanese pitchers in the game — Tazawa, Hideki Okajima and Takashi Saito; and another, Ramon Ramirez, who has NPB experience.

I’ve written about Tazawa extensively on this site, including this early scouting report-ish post, a deeper analysis of reasonable expectations for him, and an interview with Portland sports writer Kevin Thomas on his progress.

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