Sorting Through the Igarashi News

» 16 December 2009 » In mlb prospects »

Update, Wednesday night: Igarashi has indeed signed with the Mets.

Yesterday, I passed along (via Twitter) a Sponichi report saying that the Red Sox were in the lead for Ryota Igarashi with a two-year deal worth $2-3m. This ran counter to the NY Times report from earlier in the day saying that Igarashi was near a deal with the Mets.

Twitter, being limited to 140 characters per post, doesn’t allow for much detail, so here’s some context from the Sponichi article:

  • Igarashi spent a day training with Daisuke Matsuzaka in Arizona. Sponichi doesn’t mention this, but I’ve read elsewhere that they had planned to train together for two days.
  • Igarashi got to ask Matsuzaka quite a bit about Boston’s camp and training programs. Said Igarashi: “the things we talked about were interesting, and I enjoyed it. I only know a little bit, but it’s totally different [from Japan]. It reduced my stress.”
  • Sponichi also points out that “diving into a new environment on a team that already has three Japanese pitchers, Matsuzaka, Hideki Okajima, Junichi Tazawa is an appealing point.” This is a quote from the article, not Igarashi.
  • This might be a function of the limitations of Twitter, but the term I translated as “Red Sox in the lead” comes across more directly as “Red Sox one step ahead”.

And a couple of other things to consider…

These are just my observations based on what’s been in the media — I don’t have my own sources on this one. As an observer, I could see this going either way. Both Boston and New York are appealing destinations, every team needs bullpen depth, and the dollar figures being reported are peanuts to either team.

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  1. Patrick
    John Brooks
    16/12/2009 at 10:06 am Permalink

    Yeah everything I have read has had it limited to Boston or the Mets. Though I dont know why Baltimore in there desperate need for relief pitching hasnt got more involved in the race for Igarashi. I know they’ve inquired, but seem more in on Takahashi from what I’ve read. The Orioles have the cash dumping numerous players off the book and could use a guy in the set-up role. I think Takahashi more fit in with the Okajima mold for the Orioles though I could be wrong.

    On Boston, he sure have no shortage of Japanese teammates in Daisuke Matsuzaka, Hideki Okajima, and Junichi Tazawa. Which could turn the tables towards them. Though I dont know what to think of the Mets interest level and where this could go.

  2. Patrick
    16/12/2009 at 10:52 am Permalink

    There are several other reports out that hes close to a deal with the Mets (and no I’m not talking about the NY Times blog post). The only article I can recall about the Sox being ahead is the Japanese article posted yesterday afternoon.

  3. Patrick
    The Mythical One
    16/12/2009 at 11:05 am Permalink

    The Orioles have a shortage of left handed options in the bullpen, so this is why they might be a bit more interested in Takahashi ATM.

    The O’s were also interested in Kawakami last year when they were looking at Uehara, but they went with Uehara instead of Kawakami. The O’s also picked up Ryohei Tanaka and he was in AA minor league ball. Pitched pretty well there, but went to the AFL and got rocked.

  4. Patrick
    16/12/2009 at 11:14 am Permalink

    There’s been plenty about the Mets in the Japanese media as well, including the Hochi piece that pre-dates any of the American stuff. But the Red Sox are a plausible enough option.

  5. Patrick
    John Brooks
    16/12/2009 at 11:50 am Permalink

    The Orioles have a shortage of left handed options in the bullpen, so this is why they might be a bit more interested in Takahashi ATM.

    Yeah, I’m perfectly clear the Orioles have a shortage of lefty options in the bullpen as a Oriole fan. They honestly have the money to sign both and have the need for both a lefty and righty option with the trade of Chris Ray to Texas and Jamie Walker gone. Igarashi would be a perfect set up to Uehara in the 9th. That said I think Boston will win out on Igarashi coming out with a last minute offer on the 11th hour that will put them over Boston and that the Japanese players on the Sox will win him over.

  6. Patrick
    John Brooks
    16/12/2009 at 11:53 am Permalink

    The O’s also picked up Ryohei Tanaka and he was in AA minor league ball. Pitched pretty well there, but went to the AFL and got rocked.

    For the price they got Tanaka for, he pitched well and above my expected performance. It is a big jump up on the performance level from AA to Arizona Fall League and that doesnt really translate much to me. He probably IMHO will start 2010 in AA and move up to AAA with success. Though I cant tell you what his MLB transistion would be. There is probably a scouting report on him now from being in AA, but might be able to get by fooling hitters for a while before the league makes an adjustment. Though I think he needs more seasoning at AA/AAA.

  7. Patrick
    16/12/2009 at 4:31 pm Permalink
  8. Patrick
    16/12/2009 at 4:59 pm Permalink

    that’s pretty cool. I was mildly surprised when he didn’t get taken in the NPB draft, and I’m glad he’s getting a shot to continue playing.

  9. Patrick
    19/12/2009 at 8:24 am Permalink

    Igarashi might be making a huge mistake. With the Mets’ track record on Japanese players, Mets fans will probably be waiting for him to fail.