Archive > 05 April 2009

More on Minor Leaguers

» 05 April 2009 » In international baseball » Comments Off on More on Minor Leaguers

Here’s more on some of the minor leaguers that I was following in the offseason:

  • Kazuhiro Takeoka -> training in Arizona, hoping to catch on with a team as the season progresses. 
  • Takateru Iyono -> didn’t catch on with an MLB organization; signed with the Brother Elephants of Taiwan.
  • Tatsuya Ozeki -> flunked his audition with the Rockies, back in Japan blogging.
  • Michinao Yamamura -> looks like he was in camp with the independent Calgary Vipers; not sure if he made the team.
  • Koichi Misawa -> Unknown; all I could find was that he won’t be back with Northern League’s RailCats in 2009.
  • Yosuke Kawaguchi -> this guy wasn’t on my radar at all, but two seperate readers pointed out that he’s signed with the Yuma Scorpions of the independent Golden League (thanks to readers Dave and Patrick P for the tip).

All these guys, with the exception of Misawa, played in NPB last season.

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It Starts with Abe

» 05 April 2009 » In npb » Comments Off on It Starts with Abe

And the silly season begins! Yomiuri Giants catcher Shinnosuke Abe has met the service time requirements for domestic free agency. MLB fans, don’t get too excited — Abe can only move to other NPB teams. The Giants have a policy of not negotiating with players who have declared free agency, so we’ll see what happens with him. My guess is that he doesn’t go anywhere.

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