Archive > 24 April 2009

NPB Live Feeds

» 24 April 2009 » In npb » Comments Off on NPB Live Feeds

Some of you may have noticed the NPB Live link that appeared in the navigation bar a couple days ago. I’ve embedded a couple of channels that show NPB games. Hanshin vs Hiroshima is on now.

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Mench Deactivated

» 24 April 2009 » In npb » 2 Comments

Hanshin has deactivated Kevin Mench and replaced him on the roster with utility infielder Aarom Baldiris. Mench’s struggles have been well-publicized, and now the team is looking for a physiological explanation for his performance. Hanshin’s trainer commented that Mench is “horribly fatigued”.

Baldiris is a useful utility guy who made a good impression last year with his hustle and positive attitude, but he’s kind of a fringey NPB’er and certainly not the mid-lineup Hanshin thought they were getting in Mench. To that end, the Tigers have deployed US-based scouts Tom O’Malley and Andy Sheets in case they need to make a mid-season acquisition.

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